Most businesses use CRM platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce to generate sales analytics reports. Still, they often miss key data accumulating on WhatsApp because it’s not natively included as a sales channel in their CRM. 

CRM software facilitates internal visibility within sales teams, allowing managers to understand what strategies are working and what needs work. These platforms offer many other advantages, but their main benefit is reducing human error, whether missed follow-ups or running yourself ragged trying to find customer interaction history. 

While CRM software can seamlessly generate sales reports using native integrations like website tracking or social media channels, these reports are incomplete without including consumer data from WhatsApp. 

With the growing use of WhatsApp as a business platform, not considering business conversations would be a huge deficit. If you want to improve your sales strategy by leveraging CRM analytics, then it’s time to make WhatsApp a part of the family. With a WhatsApp CRM integration, you can make data-driven decisions influenced by the quality of customer interactions, activity statuses, deal win rates and sales rep success numbers.

Adding WhatsApp activity data to comprehensive sales analytics

Let's say you integrated WhatsApp with your CRM and continue to track all your sales channels. 

We can look at this from two perspectives.

Firstly, as a sales rep, having access to insights about target demographics and customer preferences can help you tailor your sales strategies more effectively. 

  • This data lets you identify the best times to reach out, understand what products or services resonate with specific customer segments, and improve your engagement and conversion rates. 
  • With data on your target audience's demographics, interests, and pain points, you can craft more personalized sales pitches and marketing messages. 
  • Sales analytics provide visibility into the most engaged and ready-to-buy leads. This will allow you to prioritize follow-ups and focus on the most promising opportunities. 
  • This data is accessible on a centralized platform, allowing you to adopt tried-and-tested strategies used by your colleagues and share your own trade secrets. 

Next, from a manager's perspective, sales analytics can help lead teams to drive sales and create data-driven strategies.

  • Analytical reports allow leaders to make better strategic decisions by providing businesses with the data they need about where to focus their efforts.
  • These reports help managers identify patterns in sales reps' performance, allowing them to provide necessary guidance and feedback. For example, sales analytics reports can show that one team member's response time is slower than the team average. 
  • Since a CRM provides a unified database where all customer interactions, sales activities, and performance metrics are stored, sales managers can easily access data related to their sales reps, including contact information, purchase history, and communication logs.
  • Analytics help managers examine key metrics like average deal size or customer satisfaction scores. This helps them determine who's shining and who might need extra help or training. Companies that spent 3+ hours per month managing their sales reps’ pipelines see 11% higher revenue (Source: HBR).

Why do you need WhatsApp conversation data on your CRM?

WhatsApp interactions and other conversations on different channels help create an informed decision-making process. They help businesses:  

Understand  customers better

Integrating WhatsApp with your customer relationship management system gives you a front-row seat to how your chats are going. You can see what's working, spot patterns, and make smart decisions about how to talk to your customers. What do buyers want from sales pros? 69% say, “Listen to my needs” (Hubspot). When several follow-ups happen on WhatsApp, it's like having a powerful tool to better understand your customers.

Increase the accuracy of your CRM reports

If you use WhatsApp to communicate with customers, but it's separate from your CRM, your reports will lack key data points. Without integration, businesses forego critical analytics such as message open rates, response time, or deal closure rates. 

Consolidate your sales channels 

It combines customer interactions into one place (CRM), creating a clear picture. This integration would give you the advantage of streamlined workflows and reduced context switching. So, alongside the native integrations present on your CRM software, WhatsApp integration would ensure that no interaction is missed. 

Improve time management 

A Forbes study of 720 sales representatives revealed that, on average, nearly 65% of a sales rep’s time is spent on non-revenue-generating activities. For example, a salesperson might be engaged in a WhatsApp conversation only to be interrupted by a phone call, an email, or a task in their CRM. 

This constant switching between different work modes is time-consuming and disruptive, leading to errors or missed opportunities. Manually toggling data from WhatsApp chats onto the CRM will cause many inefficiencies with respect to time and the overall ROI of the sales process. 

Are you tracking your WhatsApp activity KPIs effectively?

Contrary to popular belief, managers aren't equipped with superpowers to be everywhere at once. So, when juggling a team of eight to ten sales reps while trying to keep tabs on each rep’s missed follow-ups or performance monitoring, things can easily slip through the cracks. 

With the help of your CRM software, you’d be remarkably close to achieving that superhero status. This is because, with the help of sales analytics, managers can access KPI metrics such as existing client base engagement, sales cycle length, close ratio, lead growth, etc. While choosing which KPIs to track is ultimately up to you, ensuring that your metrics answer critical questions relevant to your company is crucial. Perhaps the real challenge lies in identifying which questions need to be answered. 

Here are a few insights you can gain while tracking WhatsApp activity: 

  • How many deals are being closed on each sales channel?
  • How many new leads are generated through WhatsApp in a given period?
  • What percentage of WhatsApp conversations result in successful deal closures?
  • What is the average response time to customer inquiries?
  • How many follow-up messages are sent before a deal is closed?
  • What is the average deal value for sales closed through WhatsApp?
  • How many customer interactions on WhatsApp lead to repeat business?

Below are some reporting dashboards created using HubSpot’s custom report builder while using WhatsApp activity data. 

This is the year-over-year presentation of the relationship between WhatsApp activity and deal amount. It portrays how the frequency of WhatsApp interactions with customers correlates with the monetary value of deals closed over multiple years. 

The above data is related to WhatsApp's use in the deal-closing process. This chart compares the number of deals closed as won (True) versus those not closed as won (False) for March 2024.

The value of sales analytics for businesses

Answering the questions mentioned earlier gives companies a strategic advantage because they better understand the performance of their sales channel. Using analytics and data on deal closures, lead generation, conversion rates, response times, and customer interactions, companies make data-driven decisions to optimize their sales processes and improve customer satisfaction. 

For example, pinpointing which sales channel yields the most deals helps businesses allocate resources effectively and focus investments on high-performing avenues. Tracking lead generation through WhatsApp provides valuable insights into its use as a customer acquisition tool. 

Enrich your sales analytics

Companies like Wizkid Carnival and Boutir have used WhatsApp activity insight to improve revenue and sales. Cooby helps them gain comprehensive visibility of WhatsApp chats, increasing their sales by 500% and 3x, respectively. The analytics helped them make data-driven decisions.

Learn more about Cooby and integrate your WhatsApp with the CRM for comprehensive insights. 

"Cooby created a massive impact on our business. Our teams became more efficient and effective in managing clients on WhatsApp."

Pascal Lammers
Head of Digitization, Mission Mittelstand GmbH

Sobre o autor

Sagar Joshi
Content Marketing Manager at Cooby

Sagar Joshi strongly believes that content marketing is a way of helping people. It motivates him to write well-researched content pieces on sales, marketing, and customer experience. In his free time, you can find him reading a book, learning a new language, or playing badminton.

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